“Avesta: Exploring the Ancient Zoroastrian Texts and their Significance in Modern Society”




1. Avesta 2. Zoroastrianism 3. Ancient texts 4. Persian literature 5. Religion 6. Mythology 7. Zoroaster 8. Ancient Persian culture 9. Religious doctrines 10. Rituals 11. Cosmology 12. Dualism 13. Eschatology 14. Symbolism 15. Ethics 16. Sacred scriptures 17. Oral tradition 18. Canonization 19. Transmission of knowledge 20. Interpretation 21. Influence on other religions 22. Comparative religion 23. Revival and preservation 24. Identity formation 25. Cultural heritage 26. Zoroastrian diaspora 27. Impact on contemporary society 28. Interfaith dialogue 29. Secular interpretations 30. Academic research methods
