“Exploring the Paradox of Expectation Violation: An Analysis of the Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory”




1. Paradox 2. Expectation 3. Violation 4. Analysis 5. Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory 6. Cognitive dissonance 7. Psychological reactance 8. Perceived unfairness 9. Disconfirmed beliefs 10. Discrepancy 11. Belief revision 12. Disappointment 13. Motivated reasoning 14. Attribution theory 15. Ambiguity 16. Confirmation bias 17. Defensive processes 18. Emotional response 19. Judgment and decision-making 20. Self-perception theory 21. Cognitive control 22. Disconfirmation experience 23. Social norm violation 24. Attitude formation 25. Information processing 26. Uncertainty reduction 27. Social comparison 28. Self-evaluation 29. Feedback 30. Cognitive congruence
