“Enhancing Customer Engagement and Conversion Rates: Exploring the Effectiveness of DRM in Modern Marketing Strategies”


1. Customer engagement 2. Conversion rates 3. DRM (Digital Rights Management) 4. Modern marketing strategies 5. Marketing effectiveness 6. Customer behavior 7. Consumer preferences 8. Digital marketing 9. Online platforms 10. E-commerce 11. Customer loyalty 12. User experience 13. Personalization 14. Data analytics 15. Targeted advertising 16. Social media marketing 17. Mobile marketing 18. Content management 19. Customer retention 20. Brand management 21. Consumer psychology 22. Trust and credibility 23. A/B testing 24. Multi-channel marketing 25. Gamification 26. Influencer marketing 27. Customer satisfaction 28. Customer segmentation 29. Integrated marketing communications 30. Return on investment
