“The Physiology and Psychological Implications of the Freeze Response: A Comprehensive Review”


1. Freeze response 2. Physiology 3. Psychological implications 4. Autonomic nervous system 5. Sympathetic nervous system 6. Parasympathetic nervous system 7. Fight-or-flight response 8. Stress response 9. Fear 10. Anxiety 11. Cortisol 12. Adrenaline 13. Amygdala 14. Preoptic area 15. Hypothalamus 16. Noradrenaline 17. Glucocorticoids 18. Neural pathways 19. Neural circuitry 20. Behavioral inhibition 21. Perceived threat 22. Acute stress response 23. Emotional regulation 24. Threat assessment 25. Evolutionary perspective 26. Traumatic experiences 27. Post-traumatic stress disorder 28. Psychiatric disorders 29. Physiological arousal 30. Emotional processing
