“Exploring the Darkness Within: William Faulkner and the Absence of Time”


1. William Faulkner 2. Darkness 3. Absence of time 4. Exploration 5. Literary analysis 6. Southern gothic 7. Narrative techniques 8. Temporal distortion 9. Psychological depths 10. Existentialism 11. Stream of consciousness 12. Intertextuality 13. Faulknerian themes 14. Faulkner’s influences 15. Timelessness 16. Erosion of time 17. Human condition 18. Cultural context 19. History 20. Memory 21. Fragmentation 22. Multiple perspectives 23. Spatial dimensions 24. Literary devices 25. Southern identity 26. Gothic literature 27. Time as a construct 28. Narrative structure 29. Ambiguity 30. Faulkner’s legacy
