“The Impact of Hair on Perceptions and Self-Identity: A Socio-Psychological Analysis”


1. hair 2. perceptions 3. self-identity 4. impact 5. socio-psychological analysis 6. beauty standards 7. gender norms 8. cultural influences 9. social judgments 10. hair care practices 11. hair-related stereotypes 12. body image 13. self-esteem 14. socialization 15. grooming rituals 16. hair and personal expression 17. conformity 18. nonconformity 19. self-presentation 20. identity construction 21. social expectations 22. interpersonal attraction 23. professional success 24. media representation 25. racial/ethnic identity 26. age and hair perception 27. symbolic meanings of hair 28. social status 29. individuality 30. mental health.
