“The Neurobiological Basis of the Freeze Response: Unraveling the Mechanisms of Paralysis in the Face of Threat”


1. Freeze response 2. Neurobiology 3. Paralysis 4. Threat 5. Defense mechanism 6. Autonomic nervous system 7. Sympathetic activation 8. Fight or flight response 9. HPA axis 10. Stress response 11. Prey-predator interaction 12. Fear 13. Anxiety 14. Survival instinct 15. Neural circuits 16. Freeze reflex 17. Motor inhibition 18. Fear conditioning 19. Amygdala 20. Hippocampus 21. Medial prefrontal cortex 22. Periaqueductal gray 23. Ventromedial hypothalamus 24. Norepinephrine 25. Cortisol 26. GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) 27. Glutamate 28. Serotonin 29. Endocannabinoids 30. Synaptic plasticity
