“Escher’s ‘Tower of Sight’: An Exploration of Visual Paradox and Perceptual Illusion”




1. Escher 2. Tower of Sight 3. Visual paradox 4. Perceptual illusion 5. Optical illusion 6. Depth perception 7. Ambiguity 8. Trompe-l’oeil 9. Impossible architecture 10. Geometrical distortions 11. Paradoxical perception 12. Cognitive dissonance 13. Gestalt psychology 14. Visual perception 15. Illusory contours 16. Illusory motion 17. Figure-ground relationship 18. Ambiguous figures 19. Muller-Lyer illusion 20. Ponzo illusion 21. Perspective distortion 22. Visual processing 23. Spatial perception 24. Perception and reality 25. Visual cognition 26. Visual attention 27. Perceptual organization 28. Art and perception 29. Aesthetic experience 30. Mental representation
