“Exploring the Impact of Negative Social Interactions on Mental Well-being: A Study on the Effects of Bullying and Cyberbullying”


1. Negative social interactions 2. Mental well-being 3. Bullying 4. Cyberbullying 5. Impact 6. Study 7. Effects 8. Social support 9. Psychological distress 10. Peer relationships 11. Victim 12. Perpetrator 13. Adolescents 14. School environment 15. Online harassment 16. Emotional health 17. Self-esteem 18. Coping mechanisms 19. Social media 20. Psychological outcomes 21. Intervention strategies 22. Resilience 23. Empathy 24. Peer influence 25. Family dynamics 26. Mental health interventions 27. Prevention programs 28. Suicidal ideation 29. Long-term consequences 30. Gender differences
