“Unfreezing the Freeze Response: Understanding the Neurobiological Mechanisms and Implications for Trauma Treatment”


1. freeze response 2. trauma 3. neurobiology 4. neurobiological mechanisms 5. trauma treatment 6. fear response 7. fight or flight response 8. autonomic nervous system 9. sympathetic nervous system 10. parasympathetic nervous system 11. amygdala 12. prefrontal cortex 13. hippocampus 14. HPA axis 15. cortisol 16. stress response 17. resilience 18. PTSD 19. emotion regulation 20. neuroplasticity 21. trauma-informed care 22. somatic experiencing 23. trauma-focused therapy 24. trauma recovery 25. behavioral therapy 26. psychoeducation 27. mindfulness 28. pharmacotherapy 29. psychophysiology 30. therapeutic alliance
