“The Power of CGM: Examining the Impact of Consumer Generated Media on Brand Perception and Purchase Intention”




1. Consumer Generated Media (CGM) 2. Brand Perception 3. Purchase Intention 4. Social Media 5. User-generated Content 6. Online Reviews 7. Word-of-Mouth 8. Brand Image 9. Brand Equity 10. Social Influence 11. Online Advertising 12. Digital Marketing 13. Social Networking Sites 14. Consumer Engagement 15. Consumer Empowerment 16. Viral Marketing 17. Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) 18. Trust 19. Influence of Peers 20. Trustworthiness 21. Brand Loyalty 22. Brand Reputation 23. Brand Awareness 24. Social Media Influence 25. Online Communities 26. Consumer Behavior 27. Digital Word-of-Mouth 28. Information Sharing 29. Online Trust 30. Purchase Decision-Making
