“Exploring the Impact of Social Stigma on Mental Health: A Study on the Experiences of Individuals with the Label ‘嫌子’ in Japanese Society”


1. Social stigma 2. Mental health 3. Experiences 4. Individuals 5. Label 6. 嫌子 7. Japanese society 8. Impact 9. Study 10. Social psychology 11. Discrimination 12. Stereotype 13. Prejudice 14. Stigmatization 15. Self-esteem 16. Depression 17. Anxiety 18. Coping strategies 19. Well-being 20. Social support 21. Identity 22. Cultural factors 23. Social isolation 24. Mental health services 25. Public perceptions 26. Stigmatized identities 27. Stigma management 28. Psychological distress 29. Gender roles 30. Empowerment
