



1. 詩経(Shijing) 2. 文学的特徴(literary characteristics) 3. 文化的背景(cultural background) 4. 古代中国(ancient China) 5. 詩学(poetics) 6. 言葉の美学(aesthetics of language) 7. 詩の形式(poetic form) 8. 意味の解釈(interpretation of meaning) 9. 詩的表現(poetic expression) 10. 五言詩(five-syllable verse) 11. 七言詩(seven-syllable verse) 12. 修辞技法(rhetorical devices) 13. 擬声語(onomatopoeia) 14. 比喩(metaphor) 15. 暗示(allusion) 16. 人物描写(characterization) 17. 自然描写(depiction of nature) 18. 社会的テーマ(social themes) 19. 祭祀(ritual) 20. 春秋時代(Spring and Autumn period) 21. 詩経の起源(origin of Shijing) 22. 儀礼の役割(role of rituals) 23. 詩の政治的意味(political significance of poems) 24. 倫理と道徳(ethics and morality) 25. 辞章(rhetorical figures) 26. 伝統的価値観(traditional values) 27. 文化の変遷(cultural transitions) 28. 宗教的信仰(religious beliefs) 29. 歴史的背景(historical context) 30. 詩経の教訓(moral lessons of Shijing)
