1. Zeno’s paradoxes
2. Motion
3. Infinity
4. Achilles and the Tortoise
5. Dichotomy
6. Achilles Paradox
7. Arrow Paradox
8. Paradox of the Flying Arrow
9. Paradox of the Moving Rows
10. Paradox of the Stadium
11. Paradox of the Dichotomy
12. Paradox of the Grain of Millet
13. Paradox of the Moving Ladder
14. Paradox of the Moving Line
15. Paradox of the Partially Filled Stadium
16. Paradox of the Runner and the Chariot
17. Paradox of the Chariot on a Race Track
18. Zeno’s paradoxes solved
19. Mathematical analysis of Zeno’s paradoxes
20. Philosophical implications of Zeno’s paradoxes
21. Time and motion
22. Space and motion
23. Limitations of human perception
24. Infinite divisibility of space
25. Infinite divisibility of time
26. The concept of “time slice”
27. The concept of “instantaneous velocity”
28. The concept of “motion” in philosophy
29. Philosophy of mathematics
30. Theories of motion