“The Neurophysiological Mechanisms of the Freeze Response: Implications for Stress and Trauma”


1. Neurophysiology 2. Freeze response 3. Stress 4. Trauma 5. Fight-or-flight response 6. Sympathetic nervous system 7. Parasympathetic nervous system 8. Amygdala 9. Hypothalamus 10. Prefrontal cortex 11. HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis 12. Glucocorticoids 13. Fear response 14. Survival instincts 15. Fear conditioning 16. Neurotransmitters 17. Neural circuits 18. Neural plasticity 19. Psychophysiology 20. Autonomic nervous system 21. Emotional regulation 22. Sensory processing 23. Behavioral inhibition 24. PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) 25. Anxiety disorders 26. Neural synchrony 27. Threat perception 28. Emotional memory 29. Reconsolidation 30. Resilience
