“Aung San Suu Kyi: A Beacon of Democracy and Human Rights”


1. Aung San Suu Kyi 2. Myanmar 3. Democracy 4. Human rights 5. Political activism 6. Nonviolent resistance 7. Ethnic conflict 8. Civil society 9. Peacebuilding 10. Authoritarian regimes 11. Political leadership 12. Dissent 13. Women in politics 14. Freedom of speech 15. Activism and advocacy 16. International community 17. Rule of law 18. Democratic transition 19. Political repression 20. Political prisoners 21. Minority rights 22. Social movements 23. Democratization 24. Autocracy 25. Free elections 26. Humanitarian intervention 27. Role of the military 28. Political exile 29. Transitional justice 30. International sanctions
