“The Round Table Conference: A Historical Analysis of the Anglo-Indian Relationship”


1. Round Table Conference 2. Historical Analysis 3. Anglo-Indian Relationship 4. Colonialism 5. Independence Movement 6. British Empire 7. Indian National Congress 8. Partition of India 9. Decolonization 10. Indian Nationalism 11. League of Nations 12. Mahatma Gandhi 13. Jawaharlal Nehru 14. British Raj 15. Constitutional Reforms 16. Negotiations 17. Power dynamics 18. Political representation 19. Minority rights 20. Intercommunal tensions 21. Civil disobedience 22. Communal Award 23. Devolution 24. Dominion status 25. Leadership 26. Congress-Muslim League relations 27. Round Table Conferences I, II, and III 28. Government of India Act 1935 29. Toward autonomy 30. Legacy of the Round Table Conference
