“The Evolution of the Church of England: From Establishment to Modern Challenges”


1. Church of England 2. Evolution 3. Establishment 4. Modern challenges 5. Reformation 6. Protestantism 7. Anglicanism 8. 16th century 9. Henry VIII 10. Queen Elizabeth I 11. Separation from Rome 12. Puritanism 13. Parliament 14. Dissenters 15. John Wesley 16. Methodism 17. Oxford Movement 18. Victorian era 19. Social changes 20. Secularization 21. Religious pluralism 22. Gender equality 23. LGBTQ+ inclusion 24. Interfaith dialogue 25. Decline in church attendance 26. Role of the monarchy 27. Ecclesiastical law 28. Church-state relations 29. Ecumenism 30. Missions and evangelism
