“Robert K. Merton: A Pioneer in Sociological Theory and the Study of Science”


1. Robert K. Merton 2. Sociological theory 3. Science studies 4. Pioneer 5. Social structure 6. Functionalism 7. Social norms 8. Anomie 9. Social institutions 10. Scientific community 11. Normative structure 12. Deviance 13. Social roles 14. Role strain 15. Role conflict 16. Socialization 17. Symbolic interactionism 18. Scientific method 19. Ethos of science 20. Cumulative knowledge 21. Rewards and incentives 22. Knowledge production 23. Relationship between science and society 24. Theories of social change 25. Social control 26. Intellectual property 27. Science and technology policy 28. Innovation 29. Expertise 30. Impact of science on society
