“Trauma and Remembrance: Analyzing the Holocaust through Elie Wiesel’s ‘Night and Fog'”


1. Holocaust 2. Elie Wiesel 3. Night and Fog 4. Trauma 5. Remembrance 6. Holocaust Literature 7. Holocaust Survivors 8. Jewish Identity 9. Historical Memory 10. Auschwitz-Birkenau 11. Concentration Camps 12. Genocide 13. Shoah 14. Survivor Testimonies 15. Collective Memory 16. Traumatic Experiences 17. Holocaust Education 18. Nazi Germany 19. World War II 20. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 21. Symbolism 22. Narrative Technique 23. Violence 24. Dehumanization 25. Holocaust Denial 26. Ethical Responsibility 27. Holocaust Documentation 28. Human Rights 29. Historical Trauma 30. Memoirs of the Holocaust
