








In this main part of the paper, the focus will be on the exploration of the narrative and human elements in Haruki Murakami’s novel “Amita-do Dari.” The story revolves around the protagonist, Hayama, who receives mysterious letters from his college friend. In terms of the narrative exploration, it is essential to decipher the content of the enigmatic letters and unravel the underlying meanings. Additionally, the connection between the sender of the letters and Hayama’s past events should be considered as part of the narrative. Furthermore, the exploration of human elements in the novel depicts Hayama’s process of self-discovery and growth as he delves into his innermost thoughts through the letters. The themes of loneliness, a sense of emptiness, and the complexity of human relationships add depth to the story. This paper will examine how Murakami employs his unique writing style and symbolic elements to delicately portray the narrative and human elements. It will seek to reveal the significance of these elements in the novel.


