“Exploring the Paradox of Expectation Violation: An Investigation into the Expectancy Disconfirmation Paradigm”


1. Expectation violation 2. Expectancy disconfirmation 3. Paradox 4. Investigation 5. Research 6. Psychological theory 7. Cognitive processes 8. Beliefs 9. Cognitive dissonance 10. Confirmation bias 11. Perceptual processes 12. Decision-making 13. Attitudes 14. Disconfirmation 15. Expectancy-confirmation model 16. Expectation formation 17. Information processing 18. Perception of reality 19. Cognitive schemas 20. Schema violation 21. Information integration 22. Consumer behavior 23. Customer satisfaction 24. Service quality 25. Expectation performance discrepancy 26. Expectation management 27. Belief revision 28. Cognitive conflict 29. Disconfirmed beliefs 30. Expectation adjustment
