“Trauma and its Impact on Mental Health: A Comprehensive Review”




1. Trauma 2. Mental health 3. Impact 4. Comprehensive review 5. Post-traumatic stress disorder 6. Psychological trauma 7. Childhood trauma 8. Traumatic experiences 9. Trauma-informed care 10. Resilience 11. Trauma-related symptoms 12. Trauma-focused therapy 13. Trauma-sensitive approach 14. Trauma assessment 15. Trauma recovery 16. Trauma survivors 17. Trauma response 18. Trauma prevention 19. Trauma resilience 20. Trauma in veterans 21. Trauma in refugees 22. Trauma in marginalized populations 23. Trauma and substance abuse 24. Trauma and self-harm 25. Trauma and suicide 26. Trauma in emergency settings 27. Trauma in domestic violence 28. Trauma and dissociation 29. Trauma and anxiety disorders 30. Trauma and depression
