“Exploring the Mechanisms and Effects of the Freeze Response in Trauma: A Comprehensive Analysis”


1. Freeze response 2. Trauma 3. Mechanisms 4. Effects 5. Comprehensive analysis 6. Post-traumatic stress disorder 7. Autonomic nervous system 8. Sympathetic activation 9. Parasympathetic regulation 10. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis 11. Neurobiology 12. Neurological responses 13. Emotional regulation 14. Amygdala 15. Prefrontal cortex 16. Hippocampus 17. Trauma memories 18. Fear conditioning 19. Cognitive processing 20. Sensory processing 21. Executive function 22. Neuroimaging 23. Physiological markers 24. Hormonal responses 25. Gene expression 26. Epigenetic modifications 27. Inflammatory response 28. Immune system dysregulation 29. Resilience factors 30. Intervention strategies
