“The Evolution of the Church of England: From Henry VIII to the Present Day”


1. Church of England 2. Henry VIII 3. Reformation 4. Protestantism 5. Anglicanism 6. English Reformation 7. Act of Supremacy 8. Church-state relations 9. Ecclesiastical hierarchy 10. Religious dissent 11. Puritanism 12. Dissolution of monasteries 13. Book of Common Prayer 14. Elizabethan Settlement 15. English Civil War 16. Restoration of the monarchy 17. Nonconformity 18. Oxford Movement 19. Tractarianism 20. Evangelicalism 21. High Church and Low Church 22. Ecumenism 23. Women in the Church 24. Role of bishops 25. Church attendance and membership 26. Challenges to traditional teachings 27. Role of the monarchy 28. Church of England in the British Empire 29. Postmodernism and the Church 30. Contemporary debates on sexuality and gender in the Church
