“Optimizing Revenue: A Study on the Impact of eCPM (effective Cost Per Mille) in Online Advertising”


1. Revenue optimization 2. eCPM (effective Cost Per Mille) 3. Online advertising 4. Advertising revenue 5. Advertising strategy 6. Digital advertising 7. Digital marketing 8. Ad performance 9. Ad targeting 10. Ad effectiveness 11. Ad impressions 12. Ad placement 13. Ad pricing 14. Ad format 15. Ad inventory 16. Ad exchange 17. Bid optimization 18. Programmatic advertising 19. Ad networks 20. Ad auction 21. CTR (Click-Through Rate) 22. ROI (Return on Investment) 23. Advertiser revenue 24. Publisher revenue 25. Ad campaign 26. Ad engagement 27. Ad frequency 28. User segmentation 29. Ad tracking 30. Ad viewability
