“Exploring the Impact of Gender Stereotypes on the Well-being of ‘Unwanted’ Daughters: A Cross-cultural Analysis”


1. Gender stereotypes 2. Well-being 3. “Unwanted” daughters 4. Impact 5. Cross-cultural analysis 6. Gender bias 7. Social norms 8. Discrimination 9. Mental health 10. Parental preferences 11. Gender-based violence 12. Gender inequality 13. Cultural perspectives 14. Social support 15. Academic achievement 16. Self-esteem 17. Identity formation 18. Family dynamics 19. Emotional intelligence 20. Psychological distress 21. Resilience 22. Cultural traditions 23. Parent-child relationship 24. Societal expectations 25. Educational opportunities 26. Economic empowerment 27. Gender socialization 28. Gender roles 29. Gender disparity 30. Policy implications
