“Examining the Mechanisms and Implications of the Fight-or-Flight Response: A Comprehensive Analysis”


1. fight-or-flight response 2. stress 3. sympathetic nervous system 4. adrenal glands 5. physiological response 6. psychological response 7. acute stress 8. chronic stress 9. amygdala 10. hypothalamus 11. sympathetic activation 12. adrenaline 13. cortisol 14. cardiovascular response 15. immune response 16. cognitive impact 17. emotional impact 18. behavioral impact 19. evolutionary survival 20. perceived threat 21. coping strategies 22. individual differences 23. gender differences 24. age differences 25. neuroendocrine response 26. autonomic nervous system 27. psychophysiological disorders 28. trauma 29. resilience 30. interventions
