「後件肯定の誤り: 論理的誤謬の分析と修正の提案」









In this paper, we analyze and propose solutions to the fallacy known as “affirming the consequent.” The fallacy of affirming the consequent occurs when one concludes that the antecedent is also true simply because the consequent is true in a conditional statement. This fallacy is commonly observed in various contexts, and its impact can pose fundamental problems to the validity of reasoning. In this paper, we analyze typical cases of the fallacy of affirming the consequent to understand why it occurs, and based on our findings, we propose methods to correct this fallacy. Specifically, we utilize logical rigor to propose reliable techniques for preventing the fallacy of affirming the consequent. By doing so, we expect to contribute to the improvement of accuracy in decision-making and logical reasoning. These proposals will provide critical insights for individuals engaged in logical thinking in fields such as law, philosophy, and everyday life.


結論: 本論文では、「後件肯定の誤り」という論理的誤謬に対する分析と修正の提案を行った。後件肯定の誤りは、条件文の後件が真であるからといって前件も真であると結論づける誤謬であり、推論の妥当性に根本的な問題を引き起こす可能性がある。論理的な厳密性に基づく推論方法を使用し、後件肯定の誤りを防ぐ確実な手法を提案した。これにより、意思決定や論理的な推論の正確性向上に貢献することが期待される。これらの提案は、論理的思考を行う人々にとって重要な示唆を与えるものとなるだろう。
