“バークの政治哲学: 自然の秩序と伝統の重要性”







In this main body of the paper, we will focus on Edmund Burke’s political philosophy. Burke was a political philosopher who emphasized the importance of natural order and tradition, and his ideas have had significant influence in contemporary political science and ethics. His philosophy argues that in order to achieve social cohesion and sustainable political systems, it is necessary to respect natural order and tradition. Burke believed that history, culture, and traditional values play crucial roles in human actions and societal development. He also demonstrated skepticism towards rapid change and abstract ideals, emphasizing the pursuit of realistic solutions. As a result, Burke’s political philosophy underscores the need for a balance between sustainable change and tradition in ensuring social stability and progress. In this paper, we will explore the fundamental aspects of Burke’s political philosophy and its potential applications, as well as consider how it can be applied to contemporary political issues.


