








In this paper, we will explore a new development in the typology of types in Sheldon’s typology theory. Sheldon’s typology theory is a method of classifying individuals into types based on the relationship between their physique and personality traits. However, previous research has raised questions about the definition and classification methods of types in typology theory, and some researchers have doubted its validity. In this study, taking into account the criticisms of previous research, we propose a new approach. Specifically, we will improve the classification methods of typology and provide theoretical considerations for the characteristics of types, thus reevaluating the practical value of Sheldon’s typology theory. Additionally, this study will also explore how the classification of typology suggests an impact on individuals’ health and performance. The results of this research will contribute to the theoretical framework of typology in the fields of psychology and human body science.


結論: 本研究では、シェルドンの類型論におけるタイプ論の新たな展開を行い、タイプの定義や分類方法の改善を提案し、タイプが個人の健康やパフォーマンスに与える影響について考察した。結果として、シェルドンの類型論は心理学および人体科学における理論的な枠組みに貢献することが示唆された。これにより、タイプ論の実用的な価値が再評価され、今後の研究においてもより妥当なタイプの定義や分類方法が提供されることが期待される。
