“Analyzing the Effectiveness of ACT in Improving Academic Performance and Reducing Test Anxiety among High School Students”


1. ACT (アメリカ大学進学入学試験) 2. academic performance (学業成績) 3. test anxiety (テスト不安) 4. high school students (高校生) 5. standardized tests (標準化テスト) 6. college readiness (大学の準備) 7. educational interventions (教育介入) 8. student motivation (学生のモチベーション) 9. study habits (勉強習慣) 10. self-efficacy (自己効力感) 11. cognitive processing (認知処理) 12. learning strategies (学習戦略) 13. curriculum design (カリキュラム設計) 14. academic standards (学業基準) 15. educational assessment (教育評価) 16. student development (学生の発達) 17. educational psychology (教育心理学) 18. cognitive-behavioral therapy (認知行動療法) 19. mindfulness (マインドフルネス) 20. academic coaching (学業指導) 21. teacher training (教師のトレーニング) 22. educational policy (教育政策) 23. student engagement (学生の参加) 24. achievement motivation (学業成果のモチベーション) 25. learning styles (学習スタイル) 26. educational technology (教育技術) 27. time management (時間管理) 28. classroom dynamics (教室のダイナミクス) 29. cultural factors (文化的要因) 30. longitudinal studies (長期的研究)
