“The Impact of Blackburn’s Telomere Research on Aging and Disease”


1. Blackburn 2. Telomere 3. Research 4. Aging 5. Disease 6. Impact 7. Telomerase 8. Cell division 9. DNA replication 10. Genome stability 11. Cellular senescence 12. Telomere length 13. Biological clock 14. Age-related diseases 15. Cancer 16. Immunosenescence 17. Oxidative stress 18. Cellular aging 19. Telomere maintenance mechanisms 20. Therapeutic implications 21. Biomarkers 22. Genetic predisposition 23. DNA damage 24. Telomere attrition 25. Senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) 26. Regenerative medicine 27. Telomeropathy 28. Telomere shortening 29. Telomere dysfunction 30. Aging interventions
